FEATURE of our TCXO 10mhz Crystal Oscillator lWide Frequency range lSmall size lTape & Reel
lReflow available
APPLICATIONS of TCXO 10mhz Crystal Oscillator
lMicroprocessor Systems
lConsumer Electronics
l Mobile communication,Avionics
lTest Equipment,Electronic insruments
MARKING AND DIMENSIONS of our TCXO 10mhz Crystal Oscillator
Questions you may ask about our TCXO 10mhz Crystal Oscillator
1.what's the gengeral lead-time of the products?
product lead time HC49 SERIES 1~2weeks SMD Crystal 1~4weeks DIP Oscillator 1~2weeks SMD Oscillator 1~3weeks TCXO 2~8weeks Watck crystal 1~2weeks
(*Exact delivery is subject to WTL firm reply to each order.For normal frequencyed,we have safety sock)
2. Since the lead-time is set,what about sampling?
Usually the samples are need the same lead time,By the way,we can offer each customer 10~20 pcs samples free of charge.
3.What basic information to provide when ordering a crystal?
Generally we request the customer to provide the centerl frequency,type of cutting angle(AT/BT),holder or packing type,resistance(ESR),frequency tolerance,frequency stability,load capacitance,operating temperature range,drive power,aging,etc,Customer can also specify other specific spec or requirement,if any,when placing orders.
WTL Co***ny Profile
WTL is professionally offering quartz crystals, filters, resonators, oscillators, TCXO, VCXO, SAW device, following is our product list:
-HC49 series (HC49U/HC49S/HC49SMD, 49SMD 4pads) -SMD crystal 4 pads (7*5mm, 6*3.5mm, 5*3.2mm, 4*2.5mm, 3.2*2.5mm, 2.5*2.0mm,2.0*1.6mm) - SMD crystal 2 pads ( 8*4.5mm, 7*5mm, 6*3.5mm, 5*3.2mm,3.2*2.5mm) -Watch crystal / cylinder crystal/ tuning fork(2*6mm,3*8mm,2*6mm frog type. SMD3.8*8.0mm, 6.9*1.4mm, 4*1. |